GTA V Crashes

27 Dec 2011
Can't post this in the other GTAV thread as it would just get swallowed up.

Played this last night for 3 hours and it was perfect.

Came on today around lunch time and now it crashes every time within seconds of starting the game. Game loads, I start play, game freezes. When I Ctrl-Alt-Delete, all I get is this:

I have the latest drivers, which were installed last night before I played, so I'm sure it's not that. The only change has been a small Steam update today.

Checked Rockstar Support, nothing.

Any ideas ?
Any error message before that? I was getting a ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT error this morning after messing with graphic options..was able to sort it. Try resetting default values in graphics options..worth a try.

Just reset to default. Didn't work. Optimised GFX setting in Nvidia GeForce Experience. Didn't work.

Submitted a support ticket to Rockstar. I'll post back here if this gets resolved so that anyone else with this issue can see.
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