GTL Closed Races



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
I have posted this on another Forum and am building an MSN list for Closed races. Hopefully there will soon be enouth for regular meets.

Online is getting like Banger racing at times its ridiculous. Worst of all is qualifying in the top 3 only to get shunted off at the first bend. Either that or passing someone Clean and him ramming you off.
Sometimes i freak out which is wrong but Damn its so frustrating.
Funny thing is if the Guy says Sorry i dont mind at all and just Laugh. There will always be a bit of contact during Hard races but when the guy doesn't say sorry it feels deliberate and Winds me up.
I intend to Host Private races using a Password given out on MSN.
I have a 10Meg connection so up to 12 runs fine once all in and locked down.
So Add me Dudes and Keep an Eye on MSN for Details.

My MSN is [email protected] so add me then when i go online i can give out the PW and the Pit name.
Personally all i want are a few peeps that want to race Hard but Clean and Like to have a Good Laugh about it on the way. I am happy to race any car and any Track. I dont care if you are Fast or Slow all i care about is that you Intend to race clean and act like a Gent.
I hope a good 10-20 of you dudes out there feel the same way and add me and by this evening we have a Meet organized. Race after Race hardcore gent racing.

[email protected]

Cheers for reading,

I should have mentioned i am Located in the Middle of England for those worried about pings.
On GTR English dudes had pings below 100 and some of around 30-40 and that was when i had 3meg. Now i have 10meg. I know mad a. 10meg who would have thought it.

All new Dudes are welcome but Introduce yourself after Adding me to MSN or you will be Deleted as a Non Chatter.
Also remember only Racers with Good intentions are Welcome. All Spacktards and Ramma's etc will be Kicked Banned and Abused.
Thanks for your Responces guys.
Seems general consensus that Publics are becoming Banger meets rather than Race meets.
I should think by the way things are going i should be hosting a Meet real soon.
Dust of your wheels and get ready for some Awesome Hard but Fair racing.
Please don't be afraid to get involved if you are not Quick. I am not the quickest by a long way.
I would like to work the races out to be competitive and would like others to have the same attitude. Close racing is what i'm looking for whether it be at the back of the field or front.
I will happily use a different car to keep things fair and expect others to do the same.
Watch this space dudes or the Text box after my name on MSN. :cool:
Initial plans.

First meet will be Sunday. Session will be for 3 hours plus. Times will Follow.
Looking likely to be same make races to keep it fair.
This will be a regular Sunday meet once established a Tournament will evolve.

Start time to be Announced.

Also keep an eye on the text box after my name on MSN. It will indicate when i am On GTL enabling you to join if you feel like a casual race.
Start time will be 8pm on Sunday English time.
A short time to settle in and warm up then continuous races till we can't take any more.
Hopefully this will go well enouth to have every Sunday.

Its down to you dudes. Turn up have fun and Lets have it.

My Aim is to get close racing for all. Whether at the back or front fun can be had if you have an Even Opponent.
I am not trying to find out who is the uber driver i am just trying to bring like minded Hard but fair racers together.

Most importantly Fun is what its about. A few knocks a few crashes a few wins and a few losses. :cool:

Discostu. I will keep the first races short say 5 lappers. Then the crashers will not have long to wait. Once the guys get used to each other and settle down i will increase the race distance.

Davey D. You will not be kicked for being slow only for deliberetly wrecking peeps.

Nutrition. Nope not UT2005. I do my killing BF2 style. Must have been an Imposter.

Steve45. Yes mate i am on RSC. I have posted this exact same thread. Excellent site for Race game resources. [TSR] have been about quite a while now and we have members throughout the world playing many differents racers.
We have developers/modders/track and car skinners with there fingers all over the place its really quite cool.
Of course they are all the Young clever dudes and i am the Old racer type dude. Right fast bunch of ******* aswell.

Behemoth. You're welcome mate. To be honest i am hoping for a few slow peeps as i will need someone to race at the back. I am not fast but i am Very clean and Consistant. I get good results through putting in clean laps time after time and Hopefully passing a few of the fast dudes as they Dig themselves out the sand.

All are Welcome. Hope you can make it Dudes. :cool:
OK Dudes Tonights the Night. 8pm English Start time.

Will start with a few short 5 lap races to give others a time to join and for the server to settle down.
The server runs fine once everybody is in. I get the odd stutter when peeps leave and join so Please just come in and stay in.
All Races will be SAME MAKE racing then as the night goes on we have the oppurtunity to let the slower guys use faster cars to mix it up a bit. Or i may just do reverse start grids. Either way my aim is for ALL to have battles whether at the front or the back.

What i say Goes and thats Final. Dont want to be a Natzi but trying to organise a load of peeps over type when all want a say just does not work and wastes time.
Of course everyone has a voice but i dont want no BS public style goings on.

I thought as the evening goes on we could have a few long races say 20 laps. This will give peeps an oppurtunity to take half hour out to use the Loo, Eat, let the dog out etc.
For the most part though it will be short races so that those that crash out dont have long to wait for rerace.
Also i will keep it moving. No Praccy and Minimal Qually. Set ups WILL be shared by me and others if wanted/needed.

If you have any suggestions or comments then post NOW do not wait till this evening and Disrupt Quality race time.

Hopefully we will have race after race of quality racing with some Laughter thrown in toboot.

Am looking forward to it and numbers should be More than adequate.

Thanks for reading [TSR]WOLF aka malc30
Thanks for turning up Dudes.
Yes we all got the Dreaded CTD's but fortunetly it was Only between races and all races went the Full Distance.
Weird getting CTD's though as everybodys pings were below 50 ffs.
I personally had a good two and half hours of racing fun and am glad i hosted.
Funniest of all was getting Rammed at the first bend in my first private race. It was accidental though, sry was said and soon forgotten.
I will work on the server to see if i can identify the reason for the CTD's.

Thanks again Dudes.
Hi Guys.
I have been tweaking and need a few server testers. I need up to 5 peeps all located in the UK. I want to do say an hour non stop with just 6 on that are all UK based server locked down to see if we get the CTD's during menu/set up screen.
Shout me MSN and we'll arrange a time/day/evening.
Thanks for reading.

Also the PW will be different to avoid my international friends joining.
I am also looking into a Dedi server but am having a few problems finding a UK based Host that has GTL. :(
Quite a few peeps have said they are willing to chip in for a dedi server for 3months. That would solve all our problems.
Server rules and Instant kick option for wreckers. :cool:
Odviously if a 3month server host could be found a League would be the next step. I would be very happy to put the effort thats required into creating the perfect racing environment. Although i am a bit of a Hitler so its probably best for the other contributors to set the rules and for me to just enforce them. :D
Anyways i am rambling and dreaming. You get the picture. :cool:
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Hi Racers,
Yes i will be hosting again tonight.
Start time will be 8pm.
Restricted numbers and entrance dependant on Locality and racing style.
Which means NO ******* RAMMA's.

Anyone who thinks its OK to knock someone out of a race just to gain a Position can go race Public where they belong.
I dont care WHO you are or how fast you are, if you cannot pass clean then DO NOT TURN UP.
I am not talking about unavoidable racing accidents i am talking about knocking a dude out the way when you are Odviously faster.

As stated in earlier posts This is not a Willy Waving contest this is a fun meet with numerous races to enjoy close racing. Its not an I am the fastest get out my ******* way meet.
Take that crap to league racing. Or Host yourself.

If we get any CTD's hopefully it will be during menu. I have tweaked and hope for less but if so just rejoin. All the races went the full distance without CTD's last week so there is no reason it shouldn't be the same if not a bit better.

Password. Will be given out Personally via MSN.
I want to try to restrict peeps to localish dudes in an attempt to improve things for all.

Thanks for reading. Sorry to be such a Natzi but some peeps think its ok to knock dudes out the way. I do Not.
All i want is for a few guys to have a few races without the normal BS selfish attitude you get on publics.

Thanks for reading.
Assasin-uk said:

Would that be MAD DOG and his 24/7 server.
If so i have just been on Teamspeak with him and another team mate [TSR]Madmike.
Cool guy and an excellent server with very low pings for us UK based racers.
Big shout and Huge thanks to MAD DOG whether its him you meant or not. ;)
TS whilst racing is not an option because of engine noise but whilst in pits its excellent for exchanging tips etc. Also you get to here other racers death crys as they slam into the wall or abuse others for ramming which is hilarious. :D
Just to say.
Was on the 24/7 server last night and used teamspeak throughout.
Just a few of us on TS but it was excellent fun. We tried out Croft and [TSR]MadMike picked the track up quickest and done us all. Great fun. We stuck to Tina's and Alfa's and waited for each other if anyone went off just having a train race learning the track.
Teamspeak really adds to the fun and excitement so i will be using it plenty whilst racing. I urge more dudes to get involved at this stage as we are all literally getting to know each other at the same time. Last night was a first for us all on TS so theres no clicky BS to worry about.
Get involved dudes as with TS and knowing each other you feel very obliged to race in a Decent manner. Train racing learning tracks giving out set up tips and just general banter all adds to the fun.
Shout me on MSN for any further info chat and stuff. Don't forget the map pack posted on our site its been fully tested by 3 dudes so you are guarenteed it will download and self instal quickly and without a prob.

I really am buzzing my breasts off this morning after last night it just felt perfect. Good racing good company and excellent banter. Very :cool:

Last night really makes me realise how much i miss my old COD clan. We had a regular crowd on TS that were as close as mates irl at one time. I hate the way things drift apart over time. Such is life. :(
Was good to have another addition to the teamspeak channel whilst racing Assasin.
I am really enjoying using TS and actually chatting in pit.
Lets hope it goes from strength to strength and fills TS as much as the 24/7 server is full.
So any of you other racers who feel sociable get yourselves on TS and have a laugh with us at us whatever. :cool:
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