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GTX 980 Ti in 2023

30 Dec 2013
Some of you may or may not know, the 980 Ti holds a special place in my heart. I've had approx. 8 different models 3 of which clocked over 1500mhz. This video isn't in English but its good to see how it's coping at 1080p and 1440p ultra quality. When it's overclocked like in the video it can still handle 1080p fairly well and even have a crack at 1440p! Although it's upsetting when I start to see it absolutely choke like in RDR2 or cyberpunk when it was once the best of the best cards and i will still stand by the fact at the time with games released around this gpu it was the first gpu to handle 4k on its own.

I had a 980ti that I bought 2nd hand and I was completely chuffed it. Alas I'm back on the old GTX970, which struggles with 1080p60 in modern titles, let alone native 1440p resolution, after the 980ti died a couple years back. Unlike most folks, I won't impatiently buy these overpriced GPUs, even if I'm long overdue an upgrade.

Today's budget cards like the RX6600 and RTX3050ti, aren't ahead of the 980ti by very much. So the 980ti still holds well while modern budget cards look disappointing barely beating an 8YO gpu.
You can pick anything under a 1000 GPU model for peanuts.

Even a GTX 660 are going for around £50. I’ve seen a 980TI for about £130 which is a good price I think.

I’m staying on a 660 because of the power requirements. Don’t need a mass amount of power to power these things.
I've been looking for a replacement for this card for a couple of generations now, mostly to do a ludicrous Skyrim mod list. It still runs everything at okay though so the Skyrim install will have to wait I'm not paying £1k+ at least until the card dies.
I've been looking for a replacement for this card for a couple of generations now, mostly to do a ludicrous Skyrim mod list. It still runs everything at okay though so the Skyrim install will have to wait I'm not paying £1k+ at least until the card dies.
6600 has 8GB of ram for the mods and 250 quid. More than the 6GB of the 9080Ti.

This has 10GB and would be a good upgrade from the 9080Ti
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that video is 1080 and 1440 Ultra so it does not show how to make the 980 Ti more usable in 2023.

the way to do that is to forget about Ultra settings, instead turn off shadows totally, turn off reflections and god rays and all that kind of stuff.

turning them off is not the end of the world, games often still look fine
I had a 980ti that I bought 2nd hand and I was completely chuffed it. Alas I'm back on the old GTX970, which struggles with 1080p60 in modern titles, let alone native 1440p resolution, after the 980ti died a couple years back. Unlike most folks, I won't impatiently buy these overpriced GPUs, even if I'm long overdue an upgrade.

Today's budget cards like the RX6600 and RTX3050ti, aren't ahead of the 980ti by very much. So the 980ti still holds well while modern budget cards look disappointing barely beating an 8YO gpu.
A 3080 seems to be excellent value these days, a great 1440p card and even a passable 4K one. I run one at 3440x1440p Ultrawide and it’s a great match. You’ll get a second hand one for around £400-£450 these days.
Loved my 980ti classified when I had it and was using it on 3440x1440p 34" monitor and had no issues with it at all for performance or anything great card and was sad to pass it on but the VRAM became a problem for my work during covid and had to update and update the whole pc and monitor to a 49" 5120x1440p and dual 3090's, system spec in my signature.

One of my favourite all time cards was the 980ti classy and then probably AMD HD 4870 toxic from sapphire, two cards I think I had the most fun on and the Matrox millennium G400/450 MAX was also right up there too and ATI 9800 pro. But overall I think the 980ti was the winner for me as it really was a very good card and the one I kept the longest out of all cards.
I got a reference 980 for £450 back in 2015.
Sold it for £85 in 2019.

Got the 3060ti FE for £380 in 2021, and it is double the power of the 980, for 25% more power draw, and cheaper, so no complaints there!

3060ti is going to be another classic card, I rate it best 30 series card out of all of them then the 3080 10GB.

Ace card if looking for a new card at that budget range the 3060ti.
Im still running a couple of 670's in SLI. Dont really game much these days but it runs what I want it to for the most part. Would be nice to put together a new rig but with current prices I cant see it happening
I had a 980ti that I bought 2nd hand and I was completely chuffed it. Alas I'm back on the old GTX970, which struggles with 1080p60 in modern titles, let alone native 1440p resolution, after the 980ti died a couple years back. Unlike most folks, I won't impatiently buy these overpriced GPUs, even if I'm long overdue an upgrade.

Today's budget cards like the RX6600 and RTX3050ti, aren't ahead of the 980ti by very much. So the 980ti still holds well while modern budget cards look disappointing barely beating an 8YO gpu.

Made me curious your 8 year comment.
A look at what has been and should be possible. I appreciate drivers/dx developments muddy the waters around performance comparisons little but the effects of the passage of time are unavoidable.

$600 8800gtx in 2007, by 2015 you got the same performance in the $75 gt730. Next tier up the gtxt750 was $110. $ cumulative inflation 2007-2015 = 14%
$500 gtx580 in 2010, by 2018 you got the same performance in the $70 gt1030. Next tier up the gtx1050 was $120. $ cumulative inflation 2010-2018 = 15%
$650 gtx780 in 2013, by 20... - well they didn't bother with the <$150 market after 2018. You could, however, already get gtx780 performance just 6 years later in 2019 for just $150 in the gtx1650, and a sound beating in the $160 gtx1650 super also 2019. $ cumulative inflation 2013-2019 = 10%

2023 will be 8 years after the $650 980ti launched in 2015. $ cumulative inflation 2015-2023 = 25%
Anyway let's see what these companies deign to bring to market in the mid and lower tiers these next 12 months.

For the inflation folk, some interesting ref points, cumulative inflation between:
2007-2014 = 14%
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