Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - James Gunn back as director!!

Disney obviously afraid of changing the formula too much, money talks, chaching!

I think Disney learnt their lesson about changing directors through a trilogy (THJ) and I imagine all the directors they wanted where either busy or turned it down out of respect

Which left them with the only choice of a large portion of humble pie
I am obviously very pleased about this, but what an absolute farce.

Disney were obviously concerned about the financial implications of keeping on Gunn, but as is turns out they were eventually more financially concerned about not letting him back in the seat.
I imagine that Batista threatening to not play ball had some impact, as he was the most vocal.

Legally he understood that he still was under contract to play the role, but he could sabotage the movie with a bad performance.
I imagine that Batista threatening to not play ball had some impact, as he was the most vocal.

Legally he understood that he still was under contract to play the role, but he could sabotage the movie with a bad performance.

Multi film contract will almost certainly have protections to stop a studio tying up the actors for years without filming, as the actors unions tend to be quite strict on that sort of thing as in the past it has been used it to stall/kill the careers of actors who had upset a studio.

So they may all be on contracts for a third film, but the chances are the contract will have a clause that specifies filming must either start by X date, or end by Y date, otherwise the actors couldn't plan their work around it, and given Disney haven't managed to find another director to take over that may have played a part.

I don't think he could get away with a deliberately bad performance because it would probably leave him open to legal action (and possibly hurt his career for being unprofessional), but he could certainly stick to the exact wording of the contract which could be quite limiting for the production, besides which no studio really wants it's cast/crew to be unhappy on set for avoidable reasons as even if they don't start deliberately sabotaging things with poor performances it does cause issues (and you can sometimes see it in the final product).
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