Guess the bike

18 Oct 2002
I've put a deposit down on a bike, to be picked up this week hopefully.

It's red sports bike, it's Italian, fairly unusual and has fewer than 4 cylinders.

Will probably have a very marmite reception :D

I knew I would get that response :D

I am going in with my eyes wide open, I've done the research and know the potential issues and pitfalls. All the relevant mods have been done, and it sounds and rides beautifully. I'm not afraid of owning a higher maintenance bike as I really enjoy working on bikes (unlike cars which I am getting increasingly fed up of going anywhere near).
You sir are either very brave, or as mad as a box of frogs, i wish you well in your endeavours you utter barmpot. :p

I make a box of frogs seem quite sensible so I'm pretty sure it's not bravery :) I just wanted something unusual, had to sound awesome so either V-Twin or 3 cylinders and be under £4k. Bikes I considered:

  • KTM RC8. I really wanted one, but they are outside budget, and to be quite honest they sound particularly crap for a V-twin, even with an aftermarket exhaust.
  • Older Ducati e.g. 749/999. Definite contender, but my brother already has one and they are relatively common. I very nearly went for a 999 though.
  • Triumph 675. In budget, right number of cylinders but I really couldn't get on with the riding position, they make a not very pleasant whining sound from the cam gears and are too common.
  • Aprilia RSVR. Superb bike, could get a reasonable one in my budget. However they are relatively common, not really enough of a change from my current RSV and again don't sound that great for a V-Twin.
  • Honda SP1 or preferably SP2. Fantastic sounding machine, Honda build quality and longevity, appreciating classic. However, outside budget for anything but a complete wreck, and my uncle has one.

The Benelli was definitely a left-field choice, and only popped into my head whilst idly browsing eBay. You can actually still buy the base model new for £6k with zero percent finance, but I really wanted the RS version with the carbon bits and better suspension and brakes etc. which are much rarer. Spent the last week researching the bikes and to be honest they don't seem to be any worse than e.g. a Ducati once a few common issues are resolved.

Plus I'm a child at heart, so this really appeals to me:

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