Guides on keeping things tidy?

20 May 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland
This might sound like an obvious question but, I put together an X99 build yesterday and while front cabling isn't much of an issue with a modular PSU, the cable mess in the back very quickly becomes unbearable and downright atrocious! It's fine for the first few but by the time you get those AWFUL SATA cables in there, it becomes impossible to get it closed without shoving it down.

This is inside a Fractal Define S too, so its not like there's just a lack of room! Also, how do you guys setup your fans? Seems messy to connect them straight to the mobo so I tend to run a splitter off a SATA port and just undervolt them if I need quietness, but again, awful SATA cables so its not pretty, just hidden. I realise I lose fan control without them plugged into the mobo but is there another way? Define S doesn't have any 5.25" bays tho.

Any tips? Particularly from Khemist if he reads this since he has a VERY tidy Define S build!
Very late response to this thread but I can sympathise with you. Sata power cables are the worst thing in existence. I found their orientation matched one thing but then wouldn't match the next thing I wanted to connect to it. They aren't so bad if you have a hard drive cage packed full of equal length drives but other than that they suck.

I've hidden all mine away from sight but they still annoy me.

And that was in a primo! Lol.
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