** Guild Wars 2 - £34.99 - Available for Pre Order at OcUK **



8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

It gives me great pleasure to announce that we are offering a pre order campaign on the heavily anticipated Guild Wars 2!

In addition to aggressive pricing, we are also matching competitors pre order guarantees:

If you pre-order Guild Wars 2 before 12pm on Friday 24th of August 2012 we will guarantee that you will receive it by the release date of Tuesday 28th of August 2012

All of our pre orders will be dispatched in good time to ensure you guys are playing first!

This is one of the most eagerly awaited titles this year, be sure not to miss out!

Guild Wars 2 - PC @ £34.98 inc VAT


For generations, war and chaos raged across the land of Tyria. Five great races competed and warred against each other, struggling to tip the balance of power in their favor.

Then the dragons woke.

The all-powerful beasts stirred from their millennial sleep under earth and sea. With their magical breath the dragons spread destruction and created legions of twisted slaves. A deathless dragon named Zhaitan raised the sunken nation of Orr, triggering earthquakes and tidal waves that destroyed entire cities across the Sea of Sorrows.

Zhaitan's undead armies surged from the sea, hungry for the destruction of the five races of Tyria: the charr, a ferocious race of feline warriors; the asura, magical inventors of small size and great intellect; the norn, towering shapeshifters from the frigid northern lands; the sylvari, a mysterious young race of visionary plant folk; and the humans, an embattled but resilient people.

Now heroes from the five races must set aside ancient rivalries and stand together against their common enemies.

Magic, technology, and cold steel will determine the ultimate fate of the world.
Key Features

• Guild Wars 2 provides a massive, online persistent world.
• Free online play. No monthly fee.
• Players have the freedom to play together even if their friends are at a much higher (or lower) level
• Players will be able to engage in organized, balanced PvP (similar to GvG in the original Guild Wars) without needing to first level up characters, find equipment, or unlock skills.
• You will be able to advance your character to the maximum level without ever joining a group if you so desire.

If you pre-order Guild Wars 2 before 12pm on Friday 24th of August 2012 we will guarantee that you will receive it by the release date of Tuesday 28th of August 2012

Only £34.98 inc VAT.

I see.

I don't think we have been offered that from our distributor, however the games will be with us well before launch allowing us to ensure that every player gets their game 'in time' for release ;)
I live in Northern Ireland, Will i still receive the game on time ? (usually it takes longer)

Sadly there is no guarantee as it very much depends on our couriers. how timely are your deliveries from us usually?



Are you aware of any 'pre-order' codes? Means we can download the client ahead of schedule and play on the 27th.

Sadly there was nothing like that highlighted to me. I am out of the country at the moment but maybe someone else from OcUK can get you the answers If you contact us directly
Hi guys

Massive apologies on my behalf for this. I am trying to find out what has caused the hold up.

If anyone affected by this could send me a message in trust with your email address and your OcUK order number, then I will contact you regarding the matter.
Hi Guys

Once again, allow me to apologise on behalf of OcUK for the mess here.

without wishing to push the blame elsewhere, a missed collection at the weekend for us has caused this problem meaning that around 12 customers missed out.

This was pretty much out of our hands but to make up somewhat for the grief that this has caused everyone, I am willing to offer selection of free games to each customer effected by this.

as a good will gesture, this includes people who placed orders and cancelled them.

if you placed an order for GW2 and it did not arrive on release day, please send me a message in trust with your order details and your email address and I will provide you with some free games as way of an apology.
as I mentioned yesterday here.

I have explained what happened and why there was an issue shipping the games.

I have had emails from people who have cancelled their orders last night which I am replying to this morning. However, the remainder of the games shipped last night which means I am unable to open the package and send the code ahead of the game as it was already in transit.

I understand that it is frustrating but it really is the limit of what I am able to do.

an mentioned, some complimentary games are being issued to all people affected by this.
I noticed it says pre order on the site but if I order it will i get it tomorrow?

we have sold out of our initial allocation sadly.

we are just awaiting confirmation from NC Soft, literally have not got an eta, I would estimate around 2 weeks. :(
packages have been sent to everyone affected by it. we have covered everyone bar one or two who i am waiting to hear back from and it looks like they aren't forum members.
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