Guild Wars - Soloing

8 Jul 2005
When I first started playing GW I really enjoyed it but it just became too difficult for me to continue playing solo. By solo I mean with the henchman whom always seemed to be too low a level compared to the enemy. I did try to play a couple of times with team-mates but it was not an enjoyable experience as the community seemed to be very immature compared to other MMORPG's.

Its ages since I have played so I cant even remember what class and skills I was playing with.

Are there players out there whom completed the game soloing/henchman and if so what class are you and do you have any tips. I am tempted by Factions as the game will be set in a more varied and lush environment, but I do not want become stuck again halfway through.
well im level7 at the min and im in the same boat as you
if you ever want to team up though just let me know
I played a necro/monk to level 20 using onny henchmen and found it stupidly easy to do. TBH i gave up on guildwars as everything is instanced and unless you want pvp only then its very boring.
Completed the PvE of the original guildwars bar 1 mission with a monk/ele. The pve is pretty easy with a monk primary, or a caster primary monk secondary (for power reasons) as long as you concentrate on keeping your henchmen alive. Healing is the key for the suicidal AI :)

The only mission I didn't manage to complete with henchmen was Thirsty River iirc, the last group of enemies had too hard an alpha strike against my lot & I could just never keep up.

Completed most of the missions with a ranger/necro - but once you know the routes & tricks through certain missions it becomes a lot easier. I haven't logged on for a while like but it's still an enjoyable game to visit every now and again.
AtreuS said:
I played a necro/monk to level 20 using onny henchmen and found it stupidly easy to do. TBH i gave up on guildwars as everything is instanced and unless you want pvp only then its very boring.

whatever floats your boat really. Take your point about instancing but in some ways that is better as you're not gonna get wiped out but some level 100 adolescent on a power trip as you're wandering around.
Surprising you found it "stupidly easy" as many of the quests are very difficult, even with a group of relatively experienced human questees.

Personally, I like the fact that I can wander round on my own, get AI help if I need help but not feeling particularly sociable or get real help from guild members/random strangers if I want the interaction.

tbh, the PVP part doesn't even interest me currently but I love Guild Wars.
MattyH said:
well im level7 at the min and im in the same boat as you
if you ever want to team up though just let me know

You're always gonna get immature people on these things but there are a lot of people out there quite happy to help (myself included) lower level characters level up and complete missions. Feel free to email me if you would like any help getting back into it.
I can't see how it was stupidly easy either, i'm lvl 18 and although most have been achievable by soloing a number have been rock hard even with a full human group (Villiany of Galrath - Lions Arch).

Plus whats the fun in soloing a game like GW, personally i've found the community to be a lot more mature than WoW, which is just full of high level kiddy gankers who kill people half their level.

I've not once had problems finding people to quest with (again unlike WoW), and i've only had a handful of idiots. Even then its just the odd person who screams at the me (monk) for letting them die, most knowledgeable players appreciate the game and don't aggro people unless they deserve it. To be fair i've done it a few times with people who run far ahead, get mobbed and die, only to complain that they didn't get healed.

Soloing just takes half the fun out of the game for me :confused: you can't beat the feeling when you get a good balanced team and rake through tough quests.
zytok said:
You're always gonna get immature people on these things but there are a lot of people out there quite happy to help (myself included) lower level characters level up and complete missions. Feel free to email me if you would like any help getting back into it.
i sent you a email yesturday
il be playing tonight if anyone else wants to help me do a few quests before factions is out
MattyH said:
i sent you a email yesturday
il be playing tonight if anyone else wants to help me do a few quests before factions is out

I'll be on tonight (Brother Zauriel lvl 18 M/W) probably from about 7 or so.

I can help with higher level quests as long as i'm kept out of the way as my armour isn't really all that great, waiting n waiting to get to Drok.

I figure i'll get factions in a few weeks, i'm tempted to get the pre-order pack and get the exclusive quests but since my character still needs a lot of work i don't want to start on the new content before i've finished the old stuff.

Edit* Just seen you're a lower level than me, definitely give me a shout if you need any help.
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MattyH said:
i sent you a email yesturday
il be playing tonight if anyone else wants to help me do a few quests before factions is out

Sorry Matty, didn't check my emails last night.
yeh the godless is the best!

anywho, ive managed THK with henchies, it can be done you just need to know how they act

you can do any mission with them, its just slower and often not as much fun
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