guilt wars - is it worth buying?

29 Dec 2005
i posted yesterday and asked for some advice on diablo 2.wanted to buy the game but it was sold out, unfortunately :( my bf said to me that there is a new game 'guild wars'...told me it is sort of newer version of diablo but with better graphics.if u already bougth guilt wars could you give me more details about it?is is really soo great?
It would be worth giving both Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity a look. They are quite similar to Diablo 2 in a lot of ways. Guild Wars isnt a single player game really, although you can hire henchmen to aid on quests. Guild Wars is nice, but it doesnt really have the scope of Diablo 2 in my opinion. In many ways i'd class World of Warcraft as being closer to Diablo, although its obviously a MMORPG.
hmm i checked those games on the web site i always use (somewhere I cant mention, because they are a competitor)...they haven't got any at the moment :( any other web sites which u could recommend?
its a good game, its online, and you play with real people, but theres no subscription fee
it can be had VERY cheaply atm (don't just check a place I cant name, froogle is your friend) and the site you mention has it at £17.99 dillivered so its not a huge amout to spend.
buy it, try it, get in our guild (godless - read FAQ at top of forum) and have some fun, I think its close to Diablo as you can play it for a while and drop it, unlike WOW that you have to play or you've payed your sub for nothing!
Personally I don't think Guild Wars, WoW, DAoC or anything of the like can be classes as like Diablo. They are all vastly diffrent games from diablo, one of the only things they have in common is the fact they are mythical based and you play a chr.

I would however sudjest playing WoW, it's very good fun and can keep you entertained for along time, you do pay a monthly subscription but it allows you to access a far bigger world than Diablo and could definatly entertain you with unique content for longer.

There are a lot of other websites that have the games in stock, most are competitors so you will have to google or froogle them.
Agemo said:
Buy Dark Age of Camelot instead, its much better game.

my bf has got the game, i never played it but as i watch him playin i don't really find it great :/ sorry it is innesita here, my bf logged in and i just realised it :///
Guild Wars is fantastic there are still a few people around who didn't get into it for whatever reason but the majority of people stick with it and love it. PvE, PvP, It's all there, no other RPG has done PvP this well and the PvE can be treated as a single player game if you want to take henchmen, although as VeNT says, there is a guild around here somewhere :)

bloodline76 said:
I thought guild wars was boring and restrictive.

Did you ever try the PvP side of it? Or party up with the guild on TS?
bloodline76 said:
I thought guild wars was boring and restrictive.

I was going to reply rather harshly to this, but then realised that he is a troll and wanted exactly that :rolleyes:
If you want to regeister on the forum to have a quick look at what goes on and the type of people we have playing just give me a shout on The Godless Forum (in sig) we have about 95 members atm out of a possible 100...try it it can be a great laugh :)
i bought guild wars :p it is a special edition which includes code for unlocking skills, weapon or armor upgrades, installing it now :p
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Innesita, can you let me know your in game name?

Thanks :)

Or whisper Sweet Loaf, or Bongo Fury in game!

also try Mad John Finn or Grovsum Zeal for an invite if I'm not around. Just tell them where you are from!
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