Guitar Bug

jonorigin said:
I've got one and it's great. Just works, simple as that! It's great to not be stepping over wires all the time as well!

Sounds good. I take it there's no noticable drop in quality from wired? We have got a gig coming up at the London Astoria and I really want the space and freedom on stage. I'm bit paranoid that it will break though!
jonorigin said:
I haven't noticed a drop in quality at all, and the freedom it gives you on (and off!) stage is great!

Sorry to keep bugging (!) you! whats the range like as well and in your opinion, is it going to be inusive on an SG standard (jack goes out at 90 degrees to the body
They have been that price for about 3 weeks that I've seen sidewinder, they didn't have any in stock when I went to the Southampton branch though.

I do tend to jump around a bit though :(:D are they standard velcro bits that come with the bug, or are you just using normal velcro you've cut yourself?
We were in a battle of the bands on Sunday where the organisers provided the amps, drums, mics etc and I a crate amp - the one on that page I think, and it was the best sound I've ever had before. Out of my price range though :(. Interesting playing a pod straight into the PA. Our bass player has gone straight in before, but I've never considered it with guitar. I guess if its a small venue that doesn't mic up the amps, it could make sense.
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