Guitar feedback control

12 Jan 2004
Hey guys,

anyone have any tips for controlling feedback? I dont mean the ear piercing, cat strangling kind you get when stading too close to your amp, but the nice shimmering kind you get when you hold a fret with lots of volume and gain!
riddlermarc said:
A variety of different things can add to the feedback problem - high gain amp, poorly shielded pickups etc. One of the easiest ways to stop the bad feedback is buy a noise supressor pedal, something like the Boss NS-2. It will stop the signal cycle from the amp/guitar/amp/guitar... when the guitar isnt playing anything.

As for the "good" feedback, check out this following page for some good advice :) I love feedback and use it constructively to lead into/out of solos, go from song to song etc when playing live..

Cool link, thanks for that dude!
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