Guitar for my kid - any lefty guitarists here?

30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
My daughter, nearly 9, wants a guitar for her birthday, she's left handed. What to do? Get a left handed one or let her learn right handed? Feedback appreciated!
is there a friend who can lend you one to see how she goes on?

Sadly not, and I'm about as musical as a sack of spuds. She's never laid hands on a guitar, was thinking right handed might be easier to learn, tutorials and such. Hoping shops open before the middle of April, want to go to a proper shop and get something decent
That really won't be much good.
I would honestly wait until shops are open so she can sit with one and put her fingers on the strings.

It's quite funny when I see your name, one of the best bass players I've worked with is called Dec Brennen :)

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it from a musician. I'd like to take her to a proper shop but it might not be passible before her birthday, end of April.

R.E the name, I signed up to a charity bike ride on (I forget which charity tbh) from Cork to Kilkenny, but they got everything wrong and I ended up with a bib saying d_brennen. I was stone last but they held up the riders for a photo op and I ended up riding trough the town in front. Made the local rag too :p That's been my online alias since
If you can wait it out hold off until you get get to a guitar shop so she can sit down and try them, look at them and feel them, a guitar that doesn't feel right or doesn't look right means she wont want to play it.

Also unless you have reason or she strictly wants acoustic let her try out some electric guitars, much easier to play for a new player.

This doesn't mean it has to be an expensive guitar but at lower price points there is a big difference between each model.

As for Lefty, if she has no experience I would highly recommend getting her to try holding it right handed, if she sticks to it the choice is much much bigger going forward.

This is the problem, she wants to learn but I don't want to start her up wrong. Some things I've read say it doesn't matter as that's how you learned it, I cant help on this one :p
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