Guitar strings: Rattling

9 Mar 2006
East London
I'm getting rattling of my strings when i strum or pluck hard. I assum this is to do with the strings not pulling the neck round more therefore the rattling noise is coming from the srings vibrating against the fret markers.
If this is the case, will I need higher or lower gauge strings so that when I tune them up to standard tuning they pull the neck round a fraction more?

Im guessing higher gauge, so they'll produce a lower tone threfore having to tighten them more to bring them into tune. Am I right?

This happens because the "action" of the guitar is too low.
This is the space measure between the string and the fret marker.
It can be cause by a bend in the neck or by the "v"'s at the nut being worn away. The nut can be replaced, or the neck aligned again.
It can be fixed by most guitar shops but not something that I would try to repair myself. Not that costly I believe, about £30ish.

I dont think stings would help in this situation, (others feel free to post otherwise).
You need to raise your bridge of your guitar to increase the distance between the strings and the frets.

If this fails, see your guitar shop.
helmet said:

This happens because the "action" of the guitar is too low.
This is the space measure between the string and the fret marker.
It can be cause by a bend in the neck or by the "v"'s at the nut being worn away. The nut can be replaced, or the neck aligned again.
It can be fixed by most guitar shops but not something that I would try to repair myself. Not that costly I believe, about £30ish.

Thats what I was looking for. Cheers. :)
Nitefly said:
You need to raise your bridge of your guitar to increase the distance between the strings and the frets.

If this fails, see your guitar shop.

spot on....highly unlikey your neck is bent....usually only on a bass this happens...but you never know sometimes they do tend to curl with the tension...but this guys deffo right :)
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