Just received it back today from a local guitar shop who I always use.
I asked for Drop C tuning so they reccomended 'Ernie Ball not even slinky strings', so I played the first three strings "ok that sounds odd"
Checked the tuning and its out straight away, so I try to tune it up... twice, everytime I tune one string another is out.
I'm obviously going to take it back tomorrow and say wtf, but does anyone know why its like this?
Its an ESP M400 btw.
I asked for Drop C tuning so they reccomended 'Ernie Ball not even slinky strings', so I played the first three strings "ok that sounds odd"
Checked the tuning and its out straight away, so I try to tune it up... twice, everytime I tune one string another is out.
I'm obviously going to take it back tomorrow and say wtf, but does anyone know why its like this?
Its an ESP M400 btw.