
29 Jul 2004
i bought the gungrave dvd of ebay and honestly BEST program ever!

honest the whole thing about it is AMAZING! it starts from the friendship between the 2 main characters and builds up to the end.

The whole storyline top notch as is the feeling you get from the end.

i recommened everyone buy it and watch it you CANNOT be disappointed!

10/10! perfect anime!
Ah Deep, I am upto episode 3 and really am not motivated to watch the rest yet. Hopefully it'll get better.

You were wrong about Superman Returns too. That was pap.
SherberT* said:
Ah Deep, I am upto episode 3 and really am not motivated to watch the rest yet. Hopefully it'll get better.

You were wrong about Superman Returns too. That was pap.

in time my friend, in time.

the beginning is bit boring but it picks up when he dies!
I've had it sitting on my shelf for a couple of months, I really should watch it at some point I guess.

Watched it now. Pretty good, one of the best I've seen.
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loopstah said:
I also watched the dub and it was a very good dub. One of the best I've heard anyway.

I’ve had hours of smiles from the voice actors trying their best to pronounce the stupidly comic book type names.

I just can’t get along with dubbed anime’s other then ADV films that seem to spend time getting it right.
sorry, but without even watching it, i can safely tell you that it's nowhere near as good as Elfen Lied or Chobits.
Gungrave is indeed very good. I was worried after the first episode that it was too be all pointlessly-large-gunned, zombied, gory, cliched anime action, but it does get so much better. I love the way the story unfolds throughout it. Definitely one of the best animes I've ever seen.

However, Fullmetal Alchemist is top, because it's one of the best series I've ever seen, full stop.
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