Gunship2000 like game...

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Been playing on my Amiga again - this time I dug out Gunship 2000 and was soon flying down rivers again below ground level and enjoying myself by popping up - launching a couple of hellfires and sinking down again.

Anything like this on the PC? Especially if it's the Longbow Apache :D

Really need to get back into flightsims as my Cougars are getting very dusty...

Good god - mention large choppers and the people flood in. ;) :p

Been through my boxes of older games...Found some very good stuff..

Total Air War
Apache Longbow *by Digital Intergration*
Hind *by Digital Intergration*
Jane's AH-64D Longbow *apparently there's a Longbow 2 - will have to keep an eye out for that*

Did find my copy of Enemy Engaged - Comanche Vs Hokum

And the manual for Enemy Engaged - Apache vs Havoc. Errrrr....

Also found a good site about flight sim history - remember to turn the sound down though. - Currently going through it looking for other chopper sims I can have a go at.

Cheers. :D

Enemy Engaged 2 is now out. It's not easy with everything set to it's most realistic levels.

Very easy to pick up and play, but hard to master.

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