Gutted!! - Seized Porsche and BMW

James H said:
He deserves it fully, people who have no insurance put premiums up for the rest of us. This countries legal justice system is a joke, glad to see them getting tough and we should be a lot tougher in other areas also.

that's what I mean. Just seems mental to take the risk and it's just wrong diddly wrong to do it anyway - i mean why??
R124/LA420 said:
I assupe, perhaps, there banned drivers, therefore they could'nt get insurance in the first place. :confused:

Nutters, they deserve to lose the cars.

Never thought of that. I guess if they were banned it would be impossible so that would be the most likely reason.
willd58 said:
Sounds to me like they were guilty of more than just not having insurance, it mentions organised crime and what not. im thinking fake licenses or stolen cars etc etc

these were taken because they were uninsured, Blog linky you can see the photo's and the stickers saying seized due to no insurance on them here.
willd58 said:
Yea, something tells me the cars were taken from some nasty aspect of society rather than it being the simple case of just not having insurance.

:eek: you think the rozzers are not telling us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?? How could you think such a thing :p
zain said:
Youd think with a car that pricey you would get insurance, very unlucky.

what's unlucky is getting hit by one of these uninsured people and having your car written off :( and everyone else who's premiums are high because of them.
Bill101 said:
I got stopped yesterday afternoon by a police spot check point, there was a camera van at the front looking for non taxed cars and then they pulled people at random to see if anyone had been drinking (in the last eight hours!)

they really are clamping down on it aren't they?
sir_snookie said:
It's a lot more than that,and it's the Dept of transport that get it.

The company i work for as gone self insured

I've been searching on this and it seems that you can do it as a company, but not privately?
Could be wrong though.
cleanbluesky said:
Isn't it the case that if I have a crash with someone who has no insurance then it goes onto MY insurance?

If so, would a crash with such a car mean I would have to put a Porsche crash on my insurance - if that is the case then I think I support confiscation

I don't know tbh, but i thought that if you had a crash with someone uninsured then you can't claim against them so you have to claim via the MIB? (Motor Insurers Bureau)
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