
18 Oct 2002
Swindon. =)
I had no idea my Board didnt support Duel channel ram, this sucks.

for ages i've had 3 sticks of very unmatched XMS so it didnt matter as i knew it would never do duel channel, i just got some G.Skill 2 GB Cas2 ZX ram and put it in, tried all combinations and although it did detect the correct timings for the ram it wont give me Duel channel and now i've just been reading it doesnt support it :(

i had no idea when i bought this board 6 months ago it did not support duel channel DDR.

I am a little relieved that aparently the A64 isn't so dependant on bandwidth so shouldn't be much of a performance hit in my machiine.

soo.... whats can i expect from these, i've never overclocked an A64 and im only looking for a small increase, not sure wether i can just crank up the FSB abit or if i need to play with anything else first.

p.s whats the normal V's for this ram as my board doesn't seen to have an auto option and is currently at 2.8v

Edit: also whats this HyperTransport ir has, man i've ben out of the overclock loop a while :o
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Q1. If you have a 3500+ 939 Chip then you most certainly can have Dual Channel...

Q2. If you have a 754 CPU on the DFI nF3 UT 250Gb mobo then you do only have Single Channel, but you don't have a 3500+ becuase they don't exist as 754 CPU's...
oops.... =/, rebooted and post was gone, re done and then it was here so i ended up with 2 posts the same >_<.
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ok so i'm trying to understand this HT stuff and not having a lot of luck, i tried just increasing the FSB but then it would get past the post screen.

I think that i understand that my just upping the fSB im messing up the HT so what should i be setting them at and do i need to adjust the memory mhz etc (1:1 ??).

as it looks now..

here are my options, Bios page1 , and Page 2

i have the options of Auto, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x, 4x, 5x for HT.

edit: updated sig.
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Lock the AGP at 66

Set the ram to 166 from 200 (or 333 from 400)

set the HTT multi to 4x

Raise the cpu voltage by 0.05v (may not need this)

Slowly raise the FSB until it becomes unsstable, then lower it a little bit
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