Gym Time :eek:

Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
Thought I'd finally pop my head in here and say ello.
After chatting with a friend decided was time to get my ass to the gym and get a little bit in shape, can't remember the last time I did any kind or real excercise.

My mate was headed back to the gym after a long time off due to new family
arrivals and asked if I wanted to join him, what the hell I thought.

Was dreading going :( but needs must, this was 4 weeks ago.

Started off at 17St 8lb (VERY overweight) and am now currently ~16St 5lb.
Was pretty dissapointed in that I didn't seem to drop much weight for 4 weeks worth of excercise (imo) and it wasn't til I spoke to my mate it finally clicked. I may not have lost a huge amount of weight but I am so much stronger than I was, back the first day we went I was trying to squat 20Kg x5 and I was knackered. Now my max is 90Kg, Deadlift from 30 to 105, shoulder press and bench is still pretty low but it's getting there (slowly :p)

We've just finished 4 weeks of working on core stuff and are now moving to another set of workout (got the list at home can put it here later). To say I'm enjoying it would be an understatement, really don't know why I hadn't done this sooner.

I'm hoping this to be a permanent change and will update here every now and again, as well as reading up lol :p

He's also advised I ordered some bits and bobs from myproteing but they seem to be taking the **** and the stuff I ordered on Saturday STILL isn't here :(

Time for a quick question too, I've always thought I had weak joints and after last set of leg my knee's were giving me a bit jip, nothing "painfull" just uncomfortable really. Have any of you used glucosamine before? I read thats meant to be really good for joints/bones.

Go easy I'm a newb :p
(throws self to lions ;))
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You might want to take a look at what me, Zefan and Kind Damager are up to in our training logs. We are all at novice level and have plumped with the same routine it might give you a starting point to get some ideas if you don't know where to begin browsing!
Welcome, and good luck!

A quick point: glucosamine does nothing by itself, and even when bundled with chondritin does very little (the evidence in the literature suggests that the effecti s either statistically insignificant or there is no effect at all).

In other words: save your money and don't bother. Your issues are more likely a result of bad exercise form. Take a video and get it checked out in the From thread! :)

Damn auto correct :p

You might want to take a look at what me, Zefan and Kind Damager are up to in our training logs. We are all at novice level and have plumped with the same routine it might give you a starting point to get some ideas if you don't know where to begin browsing!

Yeah will have a looksee :)

Welcome, and good luck!

A quick point: glucosamine does nothing by itself, and even when bundled with chondritin does very little (the evidence in the literature suggests that the effecti s either statistically insignificant or there is no effect at all).

In other words: save your money and don't bother. Your issues are more likely a result of bad exercise form. Take a video and get it checked out in the From thread! :)

Ah fair does tho it's always been like this, even without exercise :(
You've had weak joints? Or they hurt after exercise?

Chances are - discounting genetic, auto-immune and other degenerative disorders - you aren't strong, flexible or mobile enough in the right places.

And guess what will help all of that? ;)
Well thats what I'm there for I guess :P

Yeah just in general always seemed weak, DEFINATLEY not flexible enough at all, took all my effort to be able to hold the bars right at times to start with lol :p

Seriously tho done so little for so long, and years of overdrinking/eating I'm not expecting it to be easy, one bit at a time eh :)
Absolutely, and it's great that you've recognised this fact, and taken those first steps.

Why don't you start a log in the subforum to track your progress and also list any queries or whatever you have?

Also, check out the Mobility thread...
Read uhm, Steedie's NY resolution thread.

Also, if you're looking at more fat loss, you might want to look into hiit, and a bit of cardio on top of your lifting. Lifting comes first here, but some cardio will help!

Also, 70kg onto squat in four weeks! O.o

squatting is so hard for me.. i've sprained my ankles so many times over the years i have been bmxing as soon as i take barbell i can't keep on my feet.. i just seem to lose all balance.. boo!
squatting is so hard for me.. i've sprained my ankles so many times over the years i have been bmxing as soon as i take barbell i can't keep on my feet.. i just seem to lose all balance.. boo!

Get in the mobility thread.

Don't feel bad: swimming must take it out of you. ;)

I don't like you any more ;) anyway, realistically jump squats/explosiveness is much more relative to pool time than 1RM

squatting is so hard for me.. i've sprained my ankles so many times over the years i have been bmxing as soon as i take barbell i can't keep on my feet.. i just seem to lose all balance.. boo!

You've just highlighted the reasons you SHOULD be squatting as well as doing a bucketload of assisting stability work. Great work - now get to it. :)

I don't like you any more ;) anyway, realistically jump squats/explosiveness is much more relative to pool time than 1RM


I can't squat for toffee at the moment, so I don't like you either. ;) :D
Welcome to the best section on the forum Brosephine, may the gains be with you, always.

Oh yeah and make a log like it's going out of fashion (it actually is).
Not been in here in a while, but I've not given up just sleeping a lot LOL :p
I started at around 17St8ish Now down to 16St (last sunday) no pics as Im still a fat **** :P
Lifts are getting interesting now, tho my upper body strength is *****.

3 Weeks ago my 1 rep max's were:
Shoulder Press 37.5
Bench 50
Squat 90
Deadlift 90

Not tried since then but my Deadlifts are kinda fun now, was doing 5x 5x 3x 3x 1x+ and managing 14x85Kg, 15x90 and 2 days ago was 5x100 so I think its about time to see what my max is on that too.
Bench is only 60, now, shoulder press I've not tested either, my mate I go to the gym with his car has been a bit knackered recentyl so he's been missing days so I went along and just did stuff I was confortable with.
Diet is a bit hit and miss, however I've cut back my drinking quite well, had 3 bottles a week ago and was about 4 weeks before that too. This was what I thoguth would be hardest, tbh I don't miss it much.
Trying to only eat carbs after 6pm, in moderation, breakfast has become some multivitamins and black coffees.

Currently using:
Whey Isolate
Coconut oil

Black coffee and a teaspoon of coconut oil before gym too
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