Gymlifts - a lifting website I made that is probably entirely useless!

3 Apr 2004

Still a long time lurker, occasional poster on OcUK. I think a few of you are aware of me in this section having bragged about my brother, Ben, who is a rather successful strongman competitor.

Whilst not quite as talented as my brother, I do also train but balance that out with a geekier side. I'm trying to hone my skills with a new development platform at the moment so put this site together over the weekend.

Gymlifts -

Once signed up you have access to a handpicked list of videos on how to squat/bench/deadlift recommended by your favourite internet people!

So, for OcUK, I've put together a list of videos recommended in the form thread by icecold (Thanks, Scott!)

It's basically a glorified youtube playlist (hence probably a bit useless) but thought I'd share my weekend's work so it doesn't go completely to waste!

I hope it isn't too buggy but have no doubt there are bugs. If you have a second please share what caused the site to come crashing down around you!


Try not to be too awestruck by my logo.

Oh and the site doesn't have any financial incentive, etc so I hope the powers that be don't mind me sharing it here :)
Thanks for all the comments! Pleasantly surprised that some of you found it useful!

Agreed that linking between the videos would be helpful. I'll have a ponder if there's a simple way I could implement that.

Thanks again for having a look!
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