H2O - Shuttle SN45G Project - HELP!

13 Apr 2004
Right, I thought I would give watercooling a go in my Shuttle SN45G. One thing to note is that I'm going to try and do this without mutilating the case. Firstly I don't have any tools to start drilling holes in my Shuttle and secondly, I don't trust myself to do a good job.

I've done watercooling before, but that was in a Coolermaster Stacker which has slightly more space!
Here's a few pictures of my SN45G before I started - http://clwn.co.uk/shuttle/

I started by removing all the wires and taking out the motherboard just to see what I was working with. Underneath were some motherboard raiser screw things where the CPU cooler mounts. They were just the right size for my Swiftech Storm fittings so I'm going to take a short-cut and just screw it into that.

This is where my first problem arose. The motherboard northbridge heatsink is in the way!



My question to you guys is: Is that heatsink necessary? If I have to have cooling there, are there any low profile NB Heatsinks that you can recommend?
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Just cut the offending pins, it will make no difference at all but you will be able to place the CPU block properly.
Out of interest, what's the best Dremel to get? I've not really looked into buying my own tools before!
I would have thought just using a pair of pliers to bend and then snap the fins off at the base would be the easiest way to do it. There's no point investing in a dremel if you're not gonna use it much!

As for the looks, it shouldn't be too bad if you just remove all of one row. You can always sand it down and repaint it to make it look like they were never there. The missing bits will be hidden by the cpu block anyway!

I've been toying with the idea of fitting a reserator to my old shuttle, so I'll be watching this with interest!

I bought a reserator but it didn't fit this shuttle! The mounting holes were too far apart for the mounts provided by Zalman.

I wouldn't be too bothered by buying a Dremel - It would just meant that it should be easier to install watercooling in the Shuttle. I would be able to cut holes to route the pipes outside and maybe have the radiator mounted outside. I know me though, I would end up cutting random holes in my furniture though!

I'm also toying with the idea of spraying the inside of my case black and getting a custom front.
I bought a reserator but it didn't fit this shuttle! The mounting holes were too far apart for the mounts provided by Zalman.

This is one of the reasons why I haven't done it already, I've been meaning to check the dimensions of where the mounts are.

I'm also toying with the idea of spraying the inside of my case black and getting a custom front.

I've already added an LCD display to the front of mine, it worked well with some 2-way mirrored plastic. I'm not sure about spraying the inside though, who's gonna be able to see it anyway? :p

Defo cut the fins off the chipset heatsink. Get a dremal and the job will be easier, I wanted to get a black & decker one but couldnt afford it at the time so opted for a cheapy clone. I wasnt bothered if it didnt last as I only had one job planned. Its still soldiering on after 3years of being abused so it can be all bad :)

I might even have some sn45g spares floating about. I know for sure I have two sn45g boards that died of the infamous vdim curse, if i can find them and you mess your heatsink up give me a shout.
or go stupid and get a thermalright HR-05 sli :D might have some problems with its height, but it would do the job in terms of missing the CPU block! :)
It looks slightly too tall :)
I've just looked around for Dremels - why are there so many different models!
I think it's far too close for that :)
I'm going to buy that Revoltec heatsink... it's only 4 quid! And no shipping costs!

I it's a shame I can't find any full face ATI 9800 Pro waterblocks. Would have made things so much easier with the barbs poking over the corner of the card :)
Instead of taking fins from the chipset cooler, can't you file down the cpu block mount? it's not going to affect it's performance in any way...
Don't want to damage the Storm Block. Looks like they aren't made anymore and I might want to sell it on :)

I've just specced up my watercooling stuff and it's coming up to about 200 quid and that's without the CPU block!

Still want to buy some white LEDs to make the insides all sparkly.
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yeh but with the fan attached is it low enough? I spose you could offset the fan by 1 or 2 fins so it is hanging slightly off the side.
Wow, didn't even click into that one as it just seemed bigger. Not too keen on having a tiny little fan making a racket in my case though. It's looking like I'm going to be fitting the radiator outside the case, but I should have enough room for it. Dunno where I'm going to put my hard drive though!
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