H67 Mobo RAM Support??

1 Jan 2011

I'm not an overclocker or gamer. I'm wanting to build a new set up. I only need intel integrated HD 3000 graphics for my needs (therefore need the 2600K cpu) & an H67 mobo. My question is, are there any H67 mobo's that support RAM 1600Mhz as I can't find one? I know the H67 mobo's only support dual memory (instead of triple memory support on the P67 mobo's), does this have anything to do with why I can't find an H67 mobo with RAM 1600Mhz?? Please forgive the ignorance, I'm a complete novice therefore lamens terms would be really appreciated. Please advise, thanks :confused:
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Thanks for correcting me on the dual/triple channel...I've got myself confused with that one! Thanks for the info. If I buy RAM 1333Mhz then is that therefore the fastest RAM available (at stock) on an H67 mobo today?

The mobo I'm looking at is the Asus P8H67-M Evo. Asus states it's RAM supports is dual channel DDR3 1333/1066, so I take it the 1600Mhz RAM is not compatible with this mobo???
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thanks snapshot! I've had no joy finding 1333Mhz dual channel 8GB (2x4gb) with low latency, I can only find CAS 9, so maybe a better option would be to put 1600mhz 8GB (2x4gb) sticks in (running at 1333Mhz) as I've seen those with a lower CAS than 9??
So you're saying that instead of putting in 1333Mhz sticks (as I can't find any 8gb dual channed kits with a lower CAS than 9 anyway), the 1600Mhz CAS 9 sticks running at 1333Mhz will lower the latency?? How does this work? Please forgive my ignorance.
Thanks DennisMenace but I would prefer 2x4gb sticks as I'd like to keep 2 slots free for more RAM if needed. I need a lot of RAM as I'll be digital audio recording, mixing & editing which uses vasts amount of memory, as will video/photo editing which I will also be doing.

You might find that 1600MHz CAS9 RAM runs with lower latency at the lower speed. CPU-Z can show you what's going on and certainly seems to show that on my SB rig.

So are you saying that if I add 1600Mhz CAS 9 sticks on the H67 mobo, running them at 1333Mhz, then the latency will be lower than CAS 9 anyway?? How does this work? :confused:
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My Asus P8H67 Mobo only supports 1333mhz memory, I was going to buy 1333mhz CAS 9 sticks (2 x 4gb) however it's been suggested that I should put in 1600mhz sticks (2 x 4gb) CAS 9, because although they will only run at 1333mhz, it will lower the latency to CAS 8 or CAS 7, is this right?
Thanks for the link Surveyor, it was helpful. Think I might as well just by 1333mhz Cas 9 then if they are cheaper than the 1600mhz Cas 9 because like you say, I'm not really going to notice any difference with slightly lower latency. Sorted!Thanks again.
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