H80i issues

19 Jun 2014

Recently purchased a h80i for my system and i am having several issues with the corsair link software and also the fans sometimes sticking at 100%.

Within the link software half of the readings are not there such as the pump temp and colour change thing. I can not change any of the fans to different modes e.g quiet mode or performance etc. Also one fan is apparently constantly at 2500 rpm and giving a reading of 128 degrees c which is impossible as the system would have turned off.

I am running windows 8.1 and have tried installing in windows 7 compatability mode etc still no progress. I have refitted the unit also and nothing has changed.

Please help as i cant stand 100% corsair fans for any longer and want to do some overclocking with readings i can trust !!

Im not so fussed about the readings at the moment i just want to be able to change the fan settings etc. And yh been to corsair website got the latest version.
Well seems everyone hates the link software haha. I have an Asus board so shall i just plug it into my cpu fan header and another one into the board. Am i able to change fan speeds in the BIOS or do asus supply some software that you can change it within windows ?
Awesome work snips86x it worked a treat have got the correct readings an can now set fan speeds etc and can also change the LED colour on the cooler which is a nice touch, currently running an AMD fx-8 8350 so my temps might be slightly higher than yours i shall mess about and find a decent curve for the fans.

Thanks again !
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