Hackers on Xbox live ?

2 Mar 2004
I was playing RR 6 on xbox live last night after beating the other players by a healthy 20 sec margin i noticed that i was demoted to second place?? and the guy who came second was FIRST !!!

I gave him a bad review and reported him for cheating :mad:

Just wondering if anyone else has come across cheaters on live?
I have never experienced any lag on this game it was not lag i could tell this because we were all the same cars and i went flat out around the track without making any mistakes i started first and finished first

Like i said i beat them by at least 20 sec no way could anyone have got around that course in the same car as me 20 sec quicker then i did

Either it was a cheater or the server Oi! No swearing! up i think the first option
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