Lol. Just wait for all the jail breakers disappearing now that the only real reason to jailbreak disappears.
The main reason for jail breaking is to have access to the ability to customise your iPhone the way you want it. Only plebs with a single brain cell would jb for the sole intention of downloading cracked and pirated apps. Jb'ing is much, much more than being able to pinch stuff you would otherwise need to pay for. And for that reason the demise of Hackulous has more far reaching implications that many who dont understand what it actually involves can't really grasp.
Do you know how much garbage there is in the App Store?
Pirating them was a good way of trying them before buying, which I did... for the most apps. There are also some developers that are plain greedy... "uhh, others are selling their apps for .99c but I'm going to put 7.99 on this app and sell it."
This is a serious blow to the iPhone IMO, people don't realize just how much power piracy has to push the hardware sales. You want a good example? Look at Sony and their falling sales due to them locking their hardware.
Jailbreak is also absent for iOS 6...
If this continues and jailbreaking/piracy scene dies on the iPhone, look for the iPhone sales numbers to start falling and Android numbers to start going up.
I wonder why are all these developers leaving? Did they switch to Android? Lose interest?
I don't think it's all that common for people to jailbreak their iPhone. I work with about 10 people, all of whom are tech savvy (web design / developers) and none of us has bothered.
Are iOS apps really so expensive you have to pirate them? Most of the top 20 apps cost less than a coffee...
There was already a few alternatives, just not quite as good as Installous took the limelight.Another one will just rise in it's place.