Had a big-ish accident last week

11 May 2007
I was driving home from work on Monday, nothing unusual, started braking for a set of lights from about 40mph, front tucked and I was flung off and rolled and slid down the road. Luckily I managed to avoid sliding into other traffic but it was quite alarming lying on my back in the middle of the road watching cars slow down, all with worried looks on their faces.

First thing I knew is that my knee hurt, I was wearing jeans and have quite a nasty graze as a result of the slide. When I tried to stand up I noticed I had no strength in my right arm, so I gave it a small move and could see my arm was moving below the elbow. Definitely broken then. I managed to get up on my own and move to the side of the road, others were redirecting traffic, making sure I was ok and the rider behind me moved my bike as it was blocking a junction.

Everyone who witnessed it were really supportive and friendly, which is surprising for Croydon, ambulance and police turned up and took statements and carted me off to A&E. Turns out there was diesel all over the road where I came off, fire brigade were called to remedy that.

The bike: Damage to all the plastics on the LHS, pegs, indicators, bar end, mirrors and the slide wore a hole in the engine casing and ground the rotor a bit.

Me: I was in surgery having my arm repaired for 4 hours, and the knee is a bit messy. I had a total of 4 nights in hospital hooked up to morphine feeling very spaced out!

Whats next? Started the ball rolling with the insurance and will be claiming through the MIB. Bike will probably be a write off. Won't ride again for a while either, it's not fair on my wife and child.

Stay safe people, you never know what can happen next.
How does the whole, diesel on the road thing affect your insurance? Does that make a difference to anything? I'm just curious as I'm not a rider myself but have heard of people coming off because of oil/diesel spills.

Glad you're on the mend though, get better soon.

Well the police recorded it as diesel/oil, so it isn't my fault but they don't know whose fault it is... The MIB deal with people involved in accidents where there is no insurance, hit and run and diesel/oil etc, ie where there is fault but the money can't come directly from the other insurer. I should be able to recoup some losses from them.

Ouch, poor bike! :p

Glad you're not seriously hurt though. How many breaks did you have in your arm? and is your knee just a case of some serious road rash or has it gone a bit mushy? :eek:

I think there were 3 breaks, both bones in the lower arm and a break to the joint itself. Knee is road rash thankfully. Sudocrem saving the day on that!
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Wearing full gear* except for jeans on my legs, I think my knee hit the deck first as there is still a big hole in it... yes a big sore gauge on my knee. Very annoying and uncomfortable, especially when you smack it on stuff by accident. Really wish I'd had my leather trousers on or kevlar jeans.

*Richa textile motorcycle jacket, A* smx5 boots, decent gloves, Caberg v2r helm.

I now wonder if one of those body armour suits would have helped:
Had my cast off last Friday, big scar along my elbow with about 14 stitches in it, which the hospital were rubbish at taking out (I've since pulled 6 bits of stitching out of my own arm). I've got a 4-6 inch plate, about 7 screws and some wire holding my arm together. Gentle manipulation is on the menu, which means me trying to do normal things like itch my head then realising my arm won't bend that far. Back to work tomorrow as I can use a mouse/pen tablet and type again which is good (self employed). Physio starts in just over two weeks. Who knows where it will go from then.

In other news I got a good write off value for my bike, was going to buy the salvage but not at 35% write off value so that was disappointing.

Injury claim and uninsured losses are being handled with by solicitors and the MIB.
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