Had been looking for a point and shoot to compliment my Fuji XT10

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
and after careful deliberation, instead of going for the Sony RX100, decided to go for a used Olympus XZ-2. I got it for £115.00. Can't wait to try it out but one of the reviews that caused me to make my decision was this:


Parts 2 & 3 of the review here: http://robinwong.blogspot.co.uk/p/olympus-gear-review.html

Just need Christmas to give me the chance to see if I have done the right thing? If there are any issues with it I will simply return it and try either the Sony or the LX 100.
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Oh heck. Hope this isn't going to go all Pete Tongue? Just had a bit of a job getting this to charge. The battery was that flat it didn't even register it was charging with the charging light until after five hours and having to take the battery out and placing it back in? It now switches on and shows a full charge, but previously would only turn on when plugged into an AC outlet. Just ordered a replacement battery to be on the safe side whilst hoping it isn't anything more serious?
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Perhaps it's just the way they charge but the new battery behaves the same way as the old. They both appear to be working now. If the battery hadn't have charged I would have gone out a bought a mark 3 Sony. Anyway, loving the handling of this camera and am not too fussed about its size. In fact I rather like it's design: It feels and behaves like a "proper" camera. I Like the tilting touch screen and it possesses a superfast 1.8-2.5 lens a across a 112mm telephoto range with a 12million pixel Backlit sensor. I feel it's a great relatively portable camera to relearn the basics when out on the street. Quite a gem (so far) and I can see why it was previously classed as an alternative to the Sony mark (taking in to consideration it was released around 2012).
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