Had enough.

26 Dec 2004
My macbook pro which has been fine since i bought it is starting to really do my head in!

i have the following problems:

1. Im getting electric shocks off the chassis.

2. It no longer burns DVDs or CDROMS

3. It no longer detects my external 24" monitor.

now if i got into mac about the shock thing they fob me off about not using the long power adapter lead...erm? im sure they wouldnt have made it in two parts if i always had to use the long lead... thats what they tell me.

no solution either to the monitor problem tonnes of people are having the same problems and still no fix?


Any advice?
What do you mean by the long powerlead?

Not official Apple product?

yes with a macbook pro you have a long adaptor lead, that hooks into the power converter, then from the power converter into ya mac... i use the converter with the plug on it.

It is official.
Could you go to an official Apple reseller, who do repairs.

Ask them to write down the problems that the Macbook is having (If you have not caused the damage), get an Official Apple Reseller repairman to sign the sheet, with his contact details.

Go into a Apple Official store, tell them the problems your having if they say "This has been caused by the long power adapter"

Show them the Repair report, and that its not caused by you but a manafactiring problem. Its been signed by an "Apple official reseller and repair staff"

They can't say no? i think

Hope i helped?

yeah think ill do that mate ill sort it at the weekend! cheers fella.
I doubt they'll be able to do anything about it, the supplied cable which connects to the block that has a 13amp plug on the end has an earth connection so you need to use that instead. From what I've read, it's a common problem to get a tingle through the laptop when using the small plug adapter. Personally, I didn't even take that out of the box because I needed the length of the cable.

I wonder if any third party companies have produced a replacement plug with a deck connection.

its not a tingle though, its a really nasty sensation
In my opinion if you can measure any sort of current flowing from the case to ground then there's a fault with the laptop. It's not hard to isolate the cases of things from the bits that carry power. There's no electrical connection from the ground on the AC adaptor to any pin on the MagSafe connector so I can't understand why using the extension lead would help. It's a Class 2 device anyway so it doesn't matter if the earth is connected or not.

i know, i dont care what excuses they give me about the power cable at the end of the day i shouldnt be getting any nasty sensations, shocks up my wrists and forearms, end of story... im gonna give them a piece of my mind.

i took it in, spoke to a genius.. its in for repair.

There replacing:

The Optical Drive.

The Logic Board

and The Casing
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