Haiti Earthquake Aftermath shot on 5D MkII Video

That's very nice. It seems the 5D is getting a lot of use professionally as well. a lot of the smaller production companies are trying it out, such as this one where my colleague used to work. Also the new Lynx Twist ad was shot on it.

It looks great, but as I said before it's probably more to do with the expensive glass used than the camera itself :)
The footage is good, but there's a hell of a lot of post production gone into that. Never the less, I think I might treat myself to a 5d in the near future.
Agree with the image quality being wonderful I'm not overly keen on the production decisions or the content myself.
The close up portraits are stunning though and I would have liked to have seen more of those.
And people say that video on DSLRs is a bad thing, I'd love to be able to shoot video of that quality on my camera! Great video
Just been uhmming and aahhhing about this 5D.

To get one with the 24-70 or not. £1750 vs £2800 in my local camera shop.

Would a 5D2 be totally awesome with a Sigma 24-70 attached to it? :p

Still have to get this grant first though!
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