Halal Food - WTF?

27 Feb 2013
Recently a restaurant opened in our town centre, and I am pretty annoyed.

Its an "Indian Hal-al Buffet" and looks to have only recently opened.

Now, there are two things that really annoy me about this...

1) We have hardly any muslims let alone Indians in our town, so I cannot see where the demand is coming from..

2) I looked into the Halal foods, and I am quite frankly repulsed. How is a restaurant allowed to sell food from which the animals have been through so much suffering just for a silly religion? I thought we had vetinary standards in this country that had to be adhered to, so WHY do we have a restaurant that is selling food that has not been slaughtered to UK standards?

What steps can I take about this? Could I complain to the council? I presume they would have had to issue some sort of permit/restaurant licence for this premises?

Its quite upsetting that this has been allowed to happen, what can be done to ensure that these restaurants only use properly slaughtered meat to our standards, not some religion.
Hang on...

Our UK slaughter method dictates that the animal should be rendered unconscious and therefore unable to suffer.

Halal means the animal is either pinned down and has its throat slashed, or its hung up by its legs and has its throat slashed. All while fully conscious. Charming.

How can that be allowed? What the point in all our vetinary legislation if you can just slash an animals throat, nice and cheaply?

Why can't ALL these retarded religions be forced to eat meat that is killed to OUR UK standards? Otherwise what's the point in even developing and maintaining these rules in the first place, if people can start mistreating animals and using religion as the excuse?

Its upsetting.
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