Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander

2 Jun 2007
Mornington Crescent


Yup, it's a kickstarter, so if you aren't into this thing then feel free to click away now.

I'm generally wary of video games on kickstarter, you know the risks, that devs can just vanish, but these guys have the backing of Square Enix, purely from a marketing standpoint, they don't get any money, however a major studio somewhat vouching for them is certainly a positive.

As for the game itself, it seems like a cross between FTL and X-Com. You have a startbase which you are working to expand in order to get more technology, produce bigger and better ships, etc. You have a galactic map to explore, missions to carry out, crew to manage, the usual sorts of thing you'd expect in a roguelike management game.

They've already almost quadroupled the initial goal, but I didn't see a thread around here so figured there should be one! The game is available for circa £8 with the usual wallpapers, beta access and other gumpf you get for pledging more money in these kickstarters. It certainly looks like it has the building blocks for a base game, and a release at the end of the year seems reasonable, so I've grabbed myself a copy.
Looks like an interesting concept, I may back it, though likewise I'm a bit wary of kickstarter games.
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