Just realised that HL2 is available in VR. Looks like it's been out for ages, but I've been rather busy.
Either way, going through what I believe to be the correct setup procedure for running on my CV1.
So I have the "betas" version of HL2 installed.
Have SteamVR running
Problem is that when I try to run the game, my CV1 simply shows what appears to be the steam setup screen, i.e. greyed out background with lines on it. I've tried running the Steam VR setup for standing, but that doesn't appear to have helped.
I'm guessing that I'm overlooking something really obvious, but not sure what that is.
Any advice gratefully received.
Either way, going through what I believe to be the correct setup procedure for running on my CV1.
So I have the "betas" version of HL2 installed.
Have SteamVR running
Problem is that when I try to run the game, my CV1 simply shows what appears to be the steam setup screen, i.e. greyed out background with lines on it. I've tried running the Steam VR setup for standing, but that doesn't appear to have helped.
I'm guessing that I'm overlooking something really obvious, but not sure what that is.
Any advice gratefully received.