Half Life 2

27 Jan 2005
I'm yet to buy Half Life 2, but I'm thining about it now. However, what's all this counterstrike stuff and source stuff you get with the Game of the Year edition?

My spec (no overclocks):
1GB Geil Ram
ASUS a8V Mobo
Audigy 2zs with spidf to 5.1 speakers
6800 AGP 256Ram GFX card

Will Half Life 2 run with MAX settings on my system? Also will the various texture enhancement packs run fine and those packs are for ones that make the game look so much more real. Is it worth investing in some extra PC3200 Ram as well so I will be at 2GB??
I've decied I'm getting the Game of the year edition tomorrow from somewhere (not onlien as I like to have a hardcopy) along with HItman Blood Money. Jus thope they run okay, and I may try the cinematic addons to improve textures in HL2, but probs best on systems with 2GB of Ram, but worth a try.

Thanks for advice!

I will also try out this muulti player stuff and others things. Should be immense and finally push my rig as until now it's only really had Doom, The SIms and Flight Simulator!
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