Half-life 3 - are you really putting this in your advert MSI?

31 Mar 2011
Checking out the new nvidia 1080ti today and noticed that MSI are pushing some mega ultron hype with stating it will have fantastic technologies for super fluid frame rates in action packed games such as Half life 3. https://www.overclockers.co.uk/detail/index/sArticle/66525

I have four theories to why they would state this:

1. They are being a little bit presumptuous about HL3 ever happening
2. They have a crystal ball or some kind of CIA funded psychic and know it will be happening
3. They know something and have just leaked it
4. They think we are idiots who will succumb to marketing hype to buy their products

Im working with number 2 theory so far.
Fallout 5 listed as well. Not sure if the advert is satire, intentionally misleading or just utter garbage.

Packed with all the latest NVIDIA technologies and supporting fantastic G-SYNC technology for super fluid frame rates in action packed games such as Half Life 3, Fallout 5, Prey, Quake: Champions and Doom, take your gaming experience to the next level with GeForce GTX 1080Ti.
Original Half-life was Ok but Goldeneye was a much better shooter... Half-Life 2 was bettered by a game called Vampire the Masquerade which used the source engine and came out before HL2..... Move on, Half-life was never that good so stop caring.
Yeah Gibbo said he was doing it in another thread, i think he just wants to see whos paying attention :)
It gets attention, I don't like it myself but I can see why the marketing team have done it. When we get HL3 in 20 years time I'll want a replacement as it's not fit to run what it was advertised too do.
I always said 2017 is the year we see HL3, this will be it guys, it's soon!
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