Halflife 2 Episode 2 trailer

Ooh, after actually watching it, it does look rather good, they seem to have changed the models of those baby walkers a little I think, though maybe not, as we dodn't really get much of a look at them that well last time.
WOW now that does look good, i cant wait for ep2 now. I hope it's in them surroundings as I'm getting sick of the war torn city surroundings now.

Looks famtastic tbh. It'll be nice to see some outside environments and how the source engine bears up :D

Just think this'll come with TF2 and portals too so should be great !

Wonder how much the whole package will cost?
Probably $19.95 or perhaps $24.95, doubt it would be any more than that. Though even if it was $29.95 it would be a great bargain in my opinion, as long as TF2 is anywhere as good as TFC anyway.
james.miller said:
and i still havent played episode 1:(

Same here, been meaning to buy it. But with buying a 360 last weekend not had chance yet. But this trailer looks very good, so i'll have to go buy ep1 soon.
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