Halo 3: Beyond the Beta

15 Nov 2006


Looking good.
If its realeased looking like that then ill be very very impressed. I just hope they arent doing what happened with Forza 2; showing a load of flashy shots then the final game being reltively disappointing graphically in comparison to the screenshots.
If it looks anything like the beta ill be very dissapointed, still will buy it without question though :)

Halo was a revelation for me on the xbox, i couldnt get enough :)
I don't really mind if it looks like the beta, after all that's only the multiplayer.

Hopefully the single player is going to be a nice visual experience, hopefully a lot better than Halo 2 gameplay wise too.
Is there any info on the SP game at all i.e. storyline? Being forced to play as the Arbiter in Halo 2 sucked. Playing the game through on either side however would be good.
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