Halo RTS.

29 Oct 2005
Now don't get me wrong...there are a hell of al ot of RTS's out there. So what are your views of this one? A Halo RTS. Halogen. Correct me if im wrong but i think it uses the C&C Generals engine. Infact, it looks like some sort of mod! But anyhoo i loved generals, and i think this also looks rather good. And i loved the halo games too. Anyone maybe get this?

Edit: Yeh it is a mod. :p

http://halogen.slipstreamproductions.net/ - Website.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2386010715246751835&q=Halogen - Vid i found in google vid search.

A video from the forums.





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I never played generals, but i play bfme/bfme2 which uses a modified version of the generals engine and i think those games are great, suits the style well, if that mod is fully released i might get generals second hand to try it out
Lagmeister said:
Well going back to Halo's roots it seems, with the mac port for generals, Halo can be played as intended as lost in the mists of time

IIRC, Halo was originally a FPS, then they decided to move to RTS, then it went back to FPS. I could be wrong, but that's how I always thought it happened.

that mod looks very good. i enjoyed generals a lot too, ill be keeping an eye on this, cheers for the headsup
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