Hand warmth

10 Jan 2012
My hands are getting pretty cold while out
Have a pair of RST gloves with a thermal lining + extra thermal thin gloves under. Still feeling the cold.
After about 10-15min my fingers are getting num and I don't feel confident.

What can I do outside of heated bars?
What about hand-guards? I have a YBR 2014, can't find any really.
Muffs. You can't beat putting your hand in a good muff for the warmth.

Tucano Urbano are meant to be good.
I wouldn't mind some heated grips aswell,been reading that they packup pretty quickly though?

and with gloves it don't matter how good/expensive they are they always give you cold fingertips
The coldest I've ever been was around 3 years ago when I rode home from The Peak District on a cold November night down the M1 to Milton Keynes. When I got home I hugged a radiator and just kept saying "I'm so cold" over and over.

My bike has quite a powerful alternator so many things can run at once so maybe heated gear wouldn't be a bad idea.
All ones i've look at are like £100+
Why are these so cheap?

you looking in the wrong places then lol
most are about £60-80
there just not a well know name like oxford etc.
but there well made and get very hot and like I said they got top marks in ride magazine and MCN tests.
I like these for the small control box, the oxford one a have overly large control unit.
the R&G ones fitted to my bike, you can see how small the control unit is on the right side of the bars
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I wouldn't mind some heated grips aswell,been reading that they packup pretty quickly though?

and with gloves it don't matter how good/expensive they are they always give you cold fingertips

I only got mine a few months ago, but a mate has had his for 3 years and there still working fine
Muffs are great, I have the tucano urbano ones on my varadero. When it's near freezing my hands do get a little chilly after 50 minutes on the bike, but that's using summer gloves. Some thin inner gloves would probably help this, I won't need winter gloves. Heated grips and muffs would be even better!
Stop messing about & get some Heated Grips, My Ape came with heated grips & it's unreal how much effect it has on overall warmth when you are getting your hands constantly warmed. Heated grips also means you can keep wearing Gloves that you can actually feel the controls with rather than wearing massive great big uncomfortable things with no feel to them.
Love my heated grips! Those plus hand guards mean I'm still riding in spring/autumn gloves rather than winter ones, although it has gotten a bit nippy in the last couple of weeks when it dropped below zero on the commute
My SV came with Oxford heated grips and I've found them fantastic, much more comfortable and as said it somehow makes your whole body feel better. Bit like the effect wearing socks and slippers can have in the winter. It's got battery voltage detection to avoid discharging when the engine's off (probably standard).

The only niggles I've noticed so far are that 1. the buttons are hard to press on the move with thick winter riding gloves and 2. the right hand grip gets noticeably hotter than the left, for some reason.
because the body isn't restricting the blood flow to your fingers to stop you losing body heat, the blood picks up the heat from the grips and helps warm the rest of you
Ordered some handgaurds and found some oxford premium heated grips for £49.99 w2hich is like £20 cheaper than elsewhere.
They are "sport grips" would they be fine for my YBR?
Also have a better control unit which auto-turns itself off.
Also my YBR doesnt have any bar ends as far as I can tell, the grip rubber covers the end...would i need to buy some compatible bar ends as-well?
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Sports grips will be fine, I think it means they're slightly shorter but I may be wrong. I had the sports grips on my ER6 when Oxford first released them. The auto voltage sensing thing is good as it meant I could just hook them straight into the battery and not a switched live cable (colourblind so don't do electrics).
The best thing for warm hands, is to drive.

However, heated grips are fantastic, I took the Tiger out last weekend and it was just above freezing, clicked the grips on, no bother.
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