Hanging up my CS:S guns

22 Sep 2003
Thinking of hanging up my CS:S guns, but what next ?

Is there any other FPS shooter up to it, I have played many an hour on BF2 and the bullet reg/net code is not good enough imho . Is there a game out there with good balistics, and no hacking?

I guess im clutching at straws ! :(
I presume COD/COD 2 should be your next choice, I mean it's small scale as CS:S and guns are similar too. There isn't really anything wrong with BF2 bullet reg, it's just that guns are not as accurate, considering how expansive levels are compared to other games, accurate guns would just turn the game into a sniper feast.
Thanks guys,

I hope one day we will see a replacement for counterstrike, one were snipers have to lead the shot and adjust for range as one example of many i can think of, but wont go into as i know the responses i will get for writing such comments.
neoboy said:
I presume COD/COD 2 should be your next choice, I mean it's small scale as CS:S and guns are similar too. There isn't really anything wrong with BF2 bullet reg, it's just that guns are not as accurate, considering how expansive levels are compared to other games, accurate guns would just turn the game into a sniper feast.
Call me gimp ( i admit it!!) but id prefer a sniperfest to the armourfest i see on most servers...still i love bf2 and it definately has more depth than CSS which is good :)
Jamie1984 said:
Call me gimp ( i admit it!!) but id prefer a sniperfest to the armourfest i see on most servers...still i love bf2 and it definately has more depth than CSS which is good :)

It can be at times but if you have good pilots on your side that armor shouldn't bother you for a long time.
megatron said:
Check my sig tbh.
what have system specs and 3D mark scores got to do with anything? ;) :p

Cod2 multiplayer is a lot different than CSS, its more spray and run type play.
still good though :)
dragonball said:
Thanks guys,

I hope one day we will see a replacement for counterstrike, one were snipers have to lead the shot and adjust for range as one example of many i can think of, but wont go into as i know the responses i will get for writing such comments.
America's Army is surely what the kind of game you're after then, considering it's one of the most realistic FPS games out there? That, or Operation Flashpoint, which might be old, but tops the realism games by far, and still has a multiplayer community left.
neoboy said:
It can be at times but if you have good pilots on your side that armor shouldn't bother you for a long time.

thats after the pilot goes and takes out several aa sites and planes before coming to help you lol
sunlitsix said:
what have system specs and 3D mark scores got to do with anything? ;) :p

Click the link in his sig, it takes you to Americas Army. Its alright, but the training spoilt it for me, i just couldnt be bothered with it.
sunlitsix said:
Cod2 multiplayer is a lot different than CSS, its more spray and run type play.
still good though :)

It can be that way, but if you kit yourself out with a bolt action rifle it becomes almost a completly different game and a lot more fun imo :)
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