Hapland 3!

AAArrrggghhhh :mad:

That game is damn addictive and when you think your doing alright you screw it up lol! :p

Make the platform man stand on the right,
grab the carrot and before he eats it, click the top of the crate to make it bump him.
He'll drop the carrot into the cave.
Get ready because you have to click/kill the two flies before they carry off the carrot or your screwed
Click the lever man. Now eat a carrot and go into the house by using the carrot and arrow the lever man makes appear
switch the right-most arrow so that's it's facing the house.
Activate both hover pads
This require TIMING:
Click the UFO Click the right button on the crate, this will deactivate the land mina and will cause platform man to run into the house and create a bomb machine
Ring the door Bell
Once he’s on the platform you want him standing on the left with the shield above his head
Click the switch on the platform to disconnect the circuit. Pull the lever and the man will swim across the lake.
Bend the Pipe
Click the UFO, once it’s off the screen wait for it to appear on the other side the moment you see it click the shield the click the lever man.
The UFO should blow up and the lake should freeze
Click the shield the click the lever man two more times to get a rock and a black spiky bomb into the bucket.
Turn on the light above the door to get the man back to the other side.
Click on the gear on the crate the click the remaining yellow button to launch an wheel to the other side of the lake.
Click the circuit box so that the laver works again and switch it to the bomb
(keep the man on the left side) Click the bomb to thaw the lake.
Click on the leaves above the crow to make a spider come out.
Click on the window to drop the carrot
Click the spider then quickly click the crow. If you timed it correctly then the crow should shoot down a ladder and drain the lake.
Click the circuit again and make the lever man go down to the bottom of the lake
Click the to of the tree to make a fruit break the hover pad. Click the bell, when the mechanic leaves shut the door. Open the large crate
Click the mechanic then click him again to burn down the vine, click the arrow so it faces the mechanics house. Click the trap door beside the hover pad, click the mechanic
Once the mechanic is down click him
While the buggy passes under the bomb machine drop a bomb, click the lever man so that a green ball rolls out of the platform and falls in to the cart as well
Once the two blobs fall and merge in the cart it will go all spirally and trun into a beast that will chase you.
The wall with the wierd '?' on it will crumble and reveal a room with a sign and a button.
Do not bush the button or you will die. Instead, click on the right gear to turn the sign around.
Now push the button Like it tells you to.
The Wheel will light up and the screen will start changing colors.
CONGRATULATIONS you won make sure you check out the concept art!

End Spoiler.
I dont get this.... one of my men has fallen down a hole, I've crashed a spaceship and a bird has chased a carrot around before it fell off the branch onto the swing below......... :confused:

Do I need the sound on?!! I like this game, if only I knew what I was doing!! :p
in the spoiler post:

the first 'this requires timing' section, I have no idea how that is meant to happen :\ instead of right button, I guess you mean right panel? I can't get the guy to move by hitting that, or the mine to do its thing just after the hover pad jiggery pokery.

Hope you understand, I tried not to spoiler it for others.
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