Happy Birthday from Overclockers UK Forums

Man of Honour
31 Jan 2004
Hello Beansprout,

We at Overclockers UK Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

I am now 19. I guess I should go and get very drunk or something, except all my friends are either at university or far away in India and I only drink water anyway :p. Maybe I can do it like the Fast Show's Toby, with my dad..."come on Toby, we're going to the pub!"

Got a platinum bracelet from my girlfriend, which is lovely - one small problem, as she's in Canada I have to go see her to pick it up :D - flights booked for the end of March :)

So whoo, happy birthday to me! :D
Thanks everyone :D

Happy birthday JohnRoss too, and Flanders, another 19 year old :cool:

Berserker - Just unwrapped some thermal socks, so bring it on Canada :D

Also..other b'days today, though they're too un-cool to post about it:eek:

Vegetarian, Beta (25), JohnRoss (22), Wayn0r (20)
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MaxPower said:
Happy Birthday, as a gift to you I will take a break from my busy schedule and go and pick up your bracelet from Canada (at your expense), Im just that kind. ;)

Have a good'en
Depends if I can fit in your suitcase or not ;)

Mr_L said:
I love you Beansprout, more than you'll ever know.
Baby, I told you not to sign up to the forums. Get back to the dishes.
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