Happy Birthday oceaness!

1 Jul 2004
Sunny Manchester

As hes apart of the time, thought it would be best to Wish him a Happy Birthday in here :)

Happy 19th Mate!

Hope you have a good day!

oceaness said:
Ha Ha


Thanx all!

Nope no cruncher for my birthday unfortunately.
However I may well be using some of the money I got, to build a dual opteron 265 system (2*265=4 cores :D). Just need a reasonable board so I can clock them a bit at least.

ooooo :D That would definatly produce some nice PPD scores :cool:

Boards tend to be very pricey though, dont they. Not that easy to come by.

I hope we do see you with one of them machines. Would be great for sure :D
Better off the board here mate...


The 2 near the PCI-E slots are NB sinks. I think the other is a SB sink. I would'nt think you need to have a block on that. Might just get away with a NB block on the first NB. Could get a gpu in there. If you get a block on that second one though, no chance your gunner get another card in there if you play to SLI.

Also, one Rad for all that? Its going to be warm water I think. Maybe want to build 2 loops or 2 Rads in one loop. Would restrict the flow though.
oceaness said:
Better off the board? Sorry. Confused.

That suppose to be...

"Better pic of the board here" :p

must have been off with the fairys when I typed that :D

Oh btw, why is Billy suspended?
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