Happy Birthday TerraS

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
He's a spry old 28 and hopefully spending longer in Toronto. So lets wish him good luck and happy birthday :D
Wow, thanks guys! Every year I hope to get a thread like this, but this year I totally forgot, because I am trying so hard to stay in Canada. Birthday's are a low priority right now. What a nice surprise to see this thread. :)

Here is a photo I took recently of the CN Tower from an unusual angle.

I find out about the first stage of my Work Visa application tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Oh and on a side note.. tomorrow is going to be the hottest day of the year.

It officially becomes a heatwave tomorrow too (3 days of over 30 degrees).

Tomorrow is going to be 35 degrees with 78% humidity, making it feel like more than 45 degrees! There is currently a Smog Advisory, an Extreme Heat Advisory and a Humidex Advisory.

There is also a chance that their will be power outages due to people using their air-conditioning more and more. We are currently at capacity. Tomorrow is certainly going to interesting!

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happy birthday TerraS, many hapoy returns, good look with your application as well ;)
An interesting development in the visa application occurred.
Turns out the Canadian government in their infinite wisdom have decided to extend my exisiting "non-extendable" visa for another 2 months. I may get longer, but it depends.
So, I'll be SomewhereInToronto.com for a while longer.. woo hoo!
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