Wow, thanks guys! Every year I hope to get a thread like this, but this year I totally forgot, because I am trying so hard to stay in Canada. Birthday's are a low priority right now. What a nice surprise to see this thread.
Here is a photo I took recently of the CN Tower from an unusual angle.
I find out about the first stage of my Work Visa application tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Oh and on a side note.. tomorrow is going to be the hottest day of the year.
It officially becomes a heatwave tomorrow too (3 days of over 30 degrees).
Tomorrow is going to be 35 degrees with 78% humidity, making it feel like more than 45 degrees! There is currently a Smog Advisory, an Extreme Heat Advisory and a Humidex Advisory.
There is also a chance that their will be power outages due to people using their air-conditioning more and more. We are currently at capacity. Tomorrow is certainly going to interesting!
An interesting development in the visa application occurred.
Turns out the Canadian government in their infinite wisdom have decided to extend my exisiting "non-extendable" visa for another 2 months. I may get longer, but it depends.
So, I'll be for a while longer.. woo hoo!
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