Happy with my PC, need help with the peripherals!

20 Mar 2007
I've got the main PC parts all sorted, I just need to make using it a more pleasurable experience :)

I need a decent chair and possibly a gaming mouse (for RTS/FPS and the usual googling). Not sure if I need a KB or not (or a a gaming one?)
Problem is, there's such a huge range and so many views on what's best, I just don't know where to start!

Budget isn't too much of an issue but I do consider paying £20 more for a mouse because it lights up as a waste of money, comfort and practicality are the key things I'm after.

Any guidance would be great, I've only ever bought standard cheapo versions of these bits (so, so ashamed).
The MX518 does seem to be a bit of a favourite.

I can see the chair being the hardest part to figure out, maybe OC need to start stocking them, hint hint :D

Just looked at the black version of the Razor Arctosa, lol :D Oh dear.

I've just noticed that the mouse I'm using at the g/f's place is quite nice to use, it's that big brand Technika! Oh dear.
Oh yeah, a decent mousemat would be good too, there seems to be quite a few different types. Not sure if the aluminium ones would feel a bit cold tho?
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