hard-drive cooling/silencing

28 Jul 2003
hi guys, i've got a raptor 36Gb currently and im looking into silencing the computer and so far its thats all that left to do, i was wondering what sort of cooling drive bay you are using? or any custom setups that anyones done (i hope someone has..)
i was thinking of doing some copper pipes on a steel sheet of metal which is in turn attached to the harddrive top and sides to cool it down and cover it with a load of foam.
what size barbs can it use? also is their any reviews about? also what temps are you achieving with the raptor on idle? and how quiet is it?
lots of questions i know, but its important.
I'm running a Coolink Silent Savior. The fan is almost silent and dropped the temperature down a good few degrees (4-5 I think) under idle and load.
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