Hard drive showing full when it's not

26 Aug 2009
My wife's laptop has a ~200gb SSD in it, the partition is ~200gb usage is showing 99%

I tried various ways of checking for the culprit, and ended up with WinDirStat which confirms about 90gb space usage based on folders

The windows/installer folder accounts for about 60gb or data, programs and documents are not considerable. Windows cleanup only offer minimal space recovery.

I cannot see where the other ~110gb is coming from
Thanks for help,

It led me to google search 'windirstat hidden files' - and I tried treesize instead.

Treesize showed a folder c:\system recovery\ which was about 120gb in total - it does not show as a hidden file in c:

If i delete all restore points, the folder is unaffected, it may be Dell related.

I then found a CMD tool and registry file to add a 'take ownership' context menu - it's running now to grant control over the system recovery folder files recursively.

Then I will delete them all...
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