Hard Normal Daddy

Agreed. I think it's the best Squarepusher album full-stop. With Music is Rotted One Note pulling close behind. Unlike the majority of other releases he's made, Hard Normal Daddy is consistently good from start to finish. And importantly manages to find a decent balance between the electronics and the jazz/bass moments; rather than being relentless noise for one track, then aimless bass noodling on the next (thinking of Ultravisitor here).
Hellsmk2 said:
Hard Normal Daddy has some awesome moments, but I still have a real soft spot for Big Loda. It's spot on from start to finish.

Big Loada is genius for the first two tracks, after this it becomes mostly too dissonant for my tastes until the genius that is Port Rhombus comes into focus

Journey to Reedham is an incredible track, totally changed my understanding of how percussion can feature on a track
HND is my fav also... I can't believe it's a decade old now! :eek: Hello Everything has been growing on me recently tho, it does sound like he's going back to his older sound. :cool:
MikeHunt79 said:
[...]it does sound like he's going back to his older sound. :cool:
Oh, I hope so... I became heartily sick of the 'Tom Jenkinson Jazz Odyssey' stuff with depressing celerity. I never thought I'd pine for the Amen loop.

Thankfully it was around this time that I discovered Venetian Snares, and I haven't looked back.

Ooh, "Hello Everything" Is available in streamy listeny broth, in a BBC bowl fashioned from genuine RealAudio:


Upon listening: Someone ought to point out to Cher that Tom's found a way to turn back time... :D
Cher and Squarepusher in the same thread :eek: :D Good link tho, thanks!

I'm glad you mentioned Vsnares, he is damn good also, definitely worth checking out. I recently got Pink and Green but I need to give it a few more listens I think. :/ Love Hospitality and Cavalcade tho. :) Also, if you get to see him live you won't regret it. :cool:

"The Tuss" is worth checking out as well, yet another act that has reformed, shall we say. ;)
Yeah, I'm yet to be won over by Pink And Green and Hospitality. Cavalcades... on the other hand, has some beautiful pieces of music on there [Swindon, Vache, Plunging Hornets in particular]. I imagine that seeing him live is technically committing an act of assault on oneself.

But I digress... I have fond memories of HND, due mainly to the old Gremlin computer game Hardwar, which boasted Chin Hippy, Autechre's Clipper and loads of other tracks from those cheeky wee Warp lads.

Aah... great days, Eddie. Great days...
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