hardcore doom3 _! (not 56k !)

30 Nov 2005
hi i have just reinstalled DOOM3 alongside the GTX unlimited mod



I have since play 1st time round got myself a X-FI card, x1800xt and 20" widescreen so the gamming experince is better to say the least.

I am playing thru the game without using the flash light even though the mod allows constant flashlight and man this is very intense highly recommened anyone who has upgraded since playing orignally to grab the mod and play it hardcore style (no flashlight)

some pics



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nope just improves graphics/sound if you have the hardware its awsome the x-fi card and the special doom3 patch make the sound superb, i play with headphones on with the cmss enabled and its very atmospheric
Yes i also have an x-fi, aswell as Logitech Z-5500 speakers, and a great pair of Sennheiser headphones, so the upgraded sound would be great for me :D definately need to buy this game again.

Btw can this mod be used with other mods at the same time?
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SnipaMasta said:
It's a pity the gameplay and the concept of it is still terrible.

Not from the way I see it- its an update of Doom, pure and simple, and I think they did a good job. It wasn't aiming to be the next Deus Ex or HL, it was the next Doom, and I think it did that job...for better or worse ;)
I just played the demo again :eek: it has a very 'brown pants' atmosphere, i remember why my mate never wanted to play it again after i took it to his house to play on the Xbox :D
The graphics looked a bit dated though, so this mod would be great.
Hmm just tried this, kinda odd in a way, to me it looks like the weapons have had cling film wrapped around the when theyre hit by the light, very plasticky looking.
Bolly said:
Not from the way I see it- its an update of Doom, pure and simple, and I think they did a good job. It wasn't aiming to be the next Deus Ex or HL, it was the next Doom, and I think it did that job...for better or worse ;)

I don't think the original was meant to be scary, it was just a fast-paced FPS where you shot demons. Doom 3 tried too hard to be a real succesor to the Doom games - it added reloading, which just decreases the pace of it and the gameplay is boring. Having things jump out at you isn't scary, and without the "scary", the game is nothing.
Just installed it and gave it a try. Worth the download for the update graphics since D3 is starting to age now.
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