Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

2 Aug 2013
I've recently started my quest to get rid of my wass ass and tone up! So I shal be posting on here starting with dead lifts etc tomorrow.
Appreciate any feedback, tips etc for someone who loves food far too much
So second time dead lifting under the tutorial of monkee.
Stats as follows

Back- Dead lifts
8x 40kg
5x 60kg
2 x 80kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 65kg
5 x 70kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 40kg

Short back session but monkee couldn't handle the pace ;)
Yeah I'm trying to sort form out ATM! But the temptation of getting higher weights took over and my laziness of changing weights took over
No gym for home, work out floor with 30, but is it for 20 like 30 lb when you no lift it to be for men, for 30 lbs instead? or half is 10 for 20 pounds?
UMM HOW i word this... ok u take 20 lbs no lifting for 30lb if guy, so divide 2 u dont sit, u get 10 but for guy it no 30, so 20 would be for guy if u werent a girl ?

Erm.. What?!!! Do u even English?
Leg day
10 x 40kg
10 x 40kg
8 x 50kg
8 x 60kg
8 x 70kg
8 x 60kg
8 x 50kg
10 x 40kg

Glute ham raises:
3 sets of 8 no weight

Leg press:
8 x 120
8 x 120
8 x 120

Leg curl
10 x 20kg
10 x 30kg
10 x 30kg

TRX Lunges per leg
3 sets of 5 each leg

Core work with a ball. And now for a lovely 9 hour shift at work!!!
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