Hardware Building and Repair Survey

13 Oct 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Hardware Building and Repair Survey [completed]

I have been coming to this forum for a while now and i know that there are a lot of knowledgeable people in this community.

I haven't introduced myself to you, I am a final year product design student at Nottingham Trent University. I have built my own PC back in March so like to think that i am quite knowledge with Hardware.

The Project i have chosen this year is to design a product which raises Teenagers awareness of how they can Build/Repair Products before skills like this decline.

If you would like to help me by filling out this Survey below it would help me a lot.
After completing it please post here so that i can thank you individually as this will be a great help to me.



Thank you so Much.

Update: The results are now in HERE

Thank you everyone!
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Thanks fewfe3 :),

It will help me. As i said i want to try and raise awareness by design a social type product. All of this information helps.

Im not sure sure these skills are in decline though. That might be an interesting bit of research to include in your project
J.B, Thank you.

That is a valid point. What i am basing it on is some obversation i took of my newphew and his friends; they are 16-18 and only invovle themselves in computer games and social networking. He is not interested in how PC work or how to fix his bike. It has been left in the garage with a flat tyre for 8 months. It just seems these skill are not mainstream anymore.

Id like to hear anyone view on this too.

It will be a bit of interesting research indeed.
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